The history and theory of colour is complex, however here is a short overview. We give you a little in-sight into how the colour wheel was formed and some general information on colour. The Colour Wheel It is said that the first person to illustrate the colour wheel was Sir Isaac Newton in 1660. Read More…
A ‘Winter Wardrobe’ For Our Homes
We all need a winter wardrobe, but so do our homes! As winter starts to draw closer we start to think about pulling out our woollies and socks and shutting out the cold of the upcoming winter nights we can also create a warm and welcoming home. Through adapting our decoration and furniture layout we Read More…
The Colour Purple – Psychological Properties
The Colour Purple! Purple being the mix of red and blue has the power to prompt a wide range of strong emotions. From a colour psychology perspective, purple promotes harmony of the mind and the emotions, contributing to mental balance and stability, peace of mind, a link between the spiritual and the physical worlds, between Read More…
The Colour Yellow – Psychological Qualities
The colour yellow is a popular colour for its positive psychological qualities. For example, it can help to create happiness, optimism and confidence for the future. Yellow can: Stimulate the mind and body Help with self-esteem Create enthusiasm Inspire original thought and inquisitiveness Relate to acquired knowledge Help with new ideas The colour yellow is Read More…
Psychological Properties Of Colours – Green
Are you aware of the psychological properties of colours? Well this week we’re taking a look at the colour green and how it affects us and our behaviors. THE COLOUR GREEN Being in the centre of the spectrum green is the colour of balance. Green also expresses regrowth and rejuvenation, a sense of moving forward. Read More…